Ronnie Brooks was a faithful and devoted wife, mother, grandmother, teacher and friend. Many knew her as their child’s first grade teacher at Munsey Park School. Others knew her as a religious education teacher at St. Mary’s.
Ronnie believed in giving back. She joined the American Legion Auxiliary in 2007 and truly lived our motto, “Service not Self, for Veterans, God and Country.” She held two officer positions, Recording Secretary and Sergeant-At-Arms. She would say that she would do anything that was needed, just as long as someone showed her how. And she did. She exemplified commitment and dedication despite the challenges of a serious illness during the past few years. She was truly a faithful member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She distributed Poppies each year at St. Mary’s, at King Kullen and at the Memorial Day Parade to raise funds for veteran programs. If we were packing boxes for our military in Afghanistan, Ronnie was there to help. She served on our Selection Committee for our annual Americanism award for graduating seniors. She never missed a Unit meeting, any of our luncheons or fund raising events, and she always marched in the Memorial Day parade.
Ronnie supported the Nassau County American Legion Auxiliary through her attendance at conferences, monthly meetings and annual dinners. She supported American Legion events locally and at the County level and attended the Nassau County Commander’s Ball just one month ago. Ronnie never stopped willingly. She only stopped when God called her home.
Many St. Mary’s parishioners will remember the Brooks family entering St. Mary’s on Easter each year as the children were growing up. Ronnie and her two daughters were always wearing Easter bonnets. Easter must have held very special meaning for Ronnie. God called her home at Easter, and just as we are celebrating the joy of His Resurrection here on Earth, she is now experiencing the even greater joy of sharing in His Resurrection in Heaven. We will remember Ronnie with pride and gratitude for her works and for the positive example she has given to so many.